We have now finished hatching for 2024. We look forward to re-opening March 2025
Reservations are served firstly, any remaining hatchlings are then available to be purchased online.
Please contact us at knighthatchery@gmail.com to make a reservation and avoid disappointment.
No deposit required.
Please see our full reservation terms on our 'Collection & Delivery' page.
About Knight Hatchery
Knight Hatchery is an family run business, located in Bognor Regis, West Sussex. Specialising in the hatching of quails, chickens, ducks & geese.
Unlike other industrial style hatcheries, we provide pet quality animals. Any animal deemed as imperfect for sale, becomes available for adoption.
Offering a large range of products at competitive prices, everything you need to raise your hatchlings can be found in our store, plus lots more!

Caring For Your Hatchlings
Most livestock WILL REQUIRE A HEAT SOURCE once they arrive home. This should be a heat plate or heat lamp, and needs to hold a temperature of at least 100 °F. (Household heating, electric blankets or hot water bottles are NOT a sufficient source of heat).
Heat lamp sets and heat plates are available to purchase in the 'SHOP' section of our website.
Please ensure you have all the necessary equipment needed to raise your hatchlings BEFORE placing your livestock order.
Provided below are downloadable and printable information packs to help support our first time customers, these are basic and you are advised to also do your own research and not rely solely on the information provided in these packs: