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About Us and General Information



Knight Hatchery is an family run business, located on the South Coast in Bognor Regis, West Sussex. Specialising in the hatching of quails, chickens, ducks and geese.


Each individual hatchling has a daily health check and handling session, this helps us to provide much friendlier babies. We aim to supply pet quality animals, unlike those supplied by large industrial style hatcheries.


All animals are kept indoors in large brooders.


Hatchlings that exceed 2 days+ in age, are feed a high quality, non-medicated starter crumb, with ducklings also being fed a small amount of brewers yeast supplement to promote healthy growth. 


Ducklings and goslings that exceed 3 days+ in age will also have begun to learn how to swim.


All of our animals are un-vaccinated.


We supply a wide range of poultry items, supplies and equipment, including gifts, all available to purchase alongside your order. We use exactly the same products in the Hatchery as we sell in our store, as we believe these are of the highest quality.


Professional incubators and electric mother hens used.


Our average cull rate is less than 1%. We accredit this to the quality or care we provide during incubation and after hatch.

We carry a strict policy regarding the culling of our damaged stock. This is strictly limited to birds with incurable infections and (or) diseases, certain deformities and clear pain and (or) suffering. We ensure that our animals are culled humanely and disposed of in a respectful manner.


We find homes for over 99% of our animals.


Any animal that is deemed as imperfect, is available for adoption. This includes hatchlings with certain deformities, disabilities, curable conditions and/or require extra care. Any animal that fails to be adopted, has a life long loving home here at the Hatchery.


Quail hatch duration is approximately 17 days.

Chicken hatch duration is approximately 21 days.

Duck hatch duration is approximately 28 days.
Goose hatch duration is approximately 35 days.










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